среда, 30 июля 2008 г.


Artashesian Dynasty(180BC-1AD)

Vatchudian flag (XIV century)

Bagratouni (X century)

Proshian flag (XIV century)

The origin of the Armenian flag is very old and there is no resemblance between the flag of ancient times and the one that is used today. The ancient flag was a piece of carving representing a dragon, an eagle, or some mysterious object of the gods which was fastened to the end of a pole and led the armies into battle.

The Armenian word "Drosh," meaning flag, is derived from the Persian "Drafsh" and perhaps the Parthian "Dravsha" which was very familiar during the Armenian Golden Age. The ancient Armenians Armenianized the word into "Dravshag," which in later centuries, with the introduction of the letter "o" into the Armenian alphabet, was converted into "Drosh" and "Droshag." In the beginning, the flag generally used by the Armenians was square or rectangular with cloth fastened to a pole.
Mamikonian flag(IV-IX century)

The flag was called "Var," the Armenian word for cloth. In the immediate aftermath of the introduction of Christianity, the Armenians named this flag "Khachvar" because the flag was embossed with a cross of gold brocade. Thus, the use of the cross on the flag followed the use of the oldest emblems such as the eagle, the lion and the dragon.
The Armenian Apostolic Church, in the early centuries of the Christian era, adopted a second monogrammatic form of the flag in which the cross was accentuated even more. The color of the flag was purple, the royal colors, and the embossed cross was a gold brocade according to the custom.

In the Middle Ages, the flag was unicolored regardless of the shades. When Levon II was being anointed King of the Rubenian Dynasty of Cilicia, Pope Celestine III of Rome sent him a banner with the insignia of a lion in 1197. The flag, which was white, carried a red lion with raised paws
After the downfall of the Rubenian Dynasty and the loss of their independence, the Armenians naturally had no national flag. The question of the Armenian flag came up in 1885, when the Armenian Students Association of Paris, desirous of joining the funeral of Victor Hugo with a national flag, appealed to Father Alishan for the true colors of the flag.

Father Alishan, without any historical proof, composed the "Armenian Flag" which later was adopted as the official flag of the Hunchak party. The flag was based solely on data from the Armenian Church calendar according to which the first Sunday of Easter is called "Red" Sunday, the second, "Green" Sunday, and selecting an arbitrary color of his own, the white completed the color combination.

Tricolor of Alishan (1855)
Thereafter, Father Alishan created a second classification of colors: yellow, red and green or blue, red, and green, taking it from the colors of the rainbow based on the premise that God gave the Armenian flag on the very day when the colors of the rainbow bathed the Ark of Noah on Mount Ararat.

The yellow, red, and green flag was adopted by the Armenians and used during World War I.
Finally, seeing that the colors of Father Alishan were arbitrary, with no historic basis or value, the Government of the Independent Republic of Armenia selected the colors of the last period of the Rubenian Dynasty: red, blue and yellow, in which the yellow immediately was replaced by the orange, because it easily merged with the rest of the colors and presented a more pleasing composition.
"This was the origin of the beautiful and glorious Armenian Tricolor which became the flag of the Independent Republic of Armenia

История флага Армении

Герб Армении был принят 23 августа 1990 года Верховным Армянским Советом.В основу был положен герб первой Республики Армении (1918-1920), который был разработан архитектором Александром Таманьяном и художником Акопом Коджояном.Герб составляют следующие элементы.

Щит - в центре - гора Арарат, которая является символом армянской нации, на ее вершине ноев ковчег, поскольку, согласно библейской легенде,ковчег после потопа остановился именно на этой горе. Щит разделен на 4 секции, которые символизируют четыре независимых армянские королевства в истории Армении. Это Аршакуниаты, Арташеcианты,Багратуниты, и Рубинианты. Лев и Орел, которые стоят за щитом, являются королями животного мира и символизируют собой мудрость, гордость, терпение и благородство. В течение многих столетий они были символами королевских семей.

Внизу щита находятся еще пять важных элементов. Разорванная цепь означает свободу и независимость, меч - власть и силу нации, пшеничные колосья - трудолюбивую натуру армян, перьевая ручка -интеллектуальное и культурное наследие армянского народа. Трехцветная лента означает флаг Республики Армении.

воскресенье, 27 июля 2008 г.

Наша делегация

Гаяне Аракелян ,Ани Геворкян, Регина Авакян - танцовщицы, Арам Погосян - саксофонист.

Самвел Магакелян и Эсфида Галстян - художники, тонкие и сентиментальные натуры.

Тигран Мелконян - журналист, человек, обладающий быстрым умом и острым чувством юмора.

Карен Сафарян - пианист, лауреат международных конкурсов, член программы "Новые имена". Он был в числе 3 смельчаков, покоривших Аю-Дак из делегации Армении.

Микаел Арутюнян - отличник, любит играть в шахматы и вести дискуссию.

Руководительница нашей делегации Лилия Арамовна Никоян.

Лауреат республиканских конкурсов, канонист, участник программы '' Новые имена" , а ещё и самый маленький участник нашей делегации Нарек Казазян. Арташес Мурадян - певец, лауреат международных конкурсов, занявший 2 почетное место на армянском отборочном конкурсе в ЕВРОВИДЕНИИ.

пятница, 25 июля 2008 г.


23-ого июля.День Армении.Ярмарка.Фото с консулом Армении.

четверг, 24 июля 2008 г.

The legend goes that Armenian descends from Haik, and the Noah was the first human to set foot on this land. Armenia is a country of hills, mountain chains and highlands therefore it is called the Armenian plateau. Armenian plateau consisted of Great Haik and Haik Minor.
Only Great Haik had a territory of 300 thousands sq. km..
The territory of Armenia was more then 400 thousand sq. km. Nowadays the territory of Armenia is 29800 sq. km.
The biblical mountain Ararat is in the centre of historical Armenia. Ararat is the highest and the most beautiful mountain of the Armenian plateau. It has two picks: Masis & Sis. The height of Sis is 3225 m and Masis's height is 5165 m.
During this festival, in which Armenia takes part in 6th time, more than 100 children from all parts of Armenia have been here. And today on the 7th international children festival "Let's change the world for the better!'' 11 children from the capital of Armenia - Yerevan and Lori region came here to represent the culture of Armenia to the world.

By Michael Harutunyan & Tigran Melkonyan